Wrecks: Great Diving from Mayhem

Warships of the American, German and Japanese navies were nuclear blast test subjects during Operation Crossroads Photo: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Fred Stratton Instructor and Technician fred@bubblesornot.com This is part two of our series on underwater playgrounds. July's article Artificial Reefs: Reborn by Nature took us diving on manmade structures. This month we look at the mayhem Mother Nature, human error and war have visited upon mariners since ancient times. These disasters fascinate divers seeking adventure and a connection to the seafaring souls whose final voyage ended in tragedy. Successful companies have strong brand recognition. So too do world class wreck diving destinations. Whisper the words Scapa Flow, Bikini or Chuuk and wreck diving afficianados will tell animated first-hand stories or nod that they are on their bucket list. A story about one wreck often spills into tales of another. There's irony in ...