The Adventure 145'

Gas up! Doubles and deco bottles for a Tec 45 Course Photo: PADI Fred Stratton Instructor and Technician Diving Deep is about Adventure Decompression stops simply are required safety stops. Both are performed in the same manner: stop and maintain a precise depth for a specific amount of time to clear your computer or to fulfill your analog dive plan based on a chosen decompression algorithm (e.g. RGMB, Buhlman ZHL-16c) and gradient factor . Deco stops are a means to an end, the end being encounters with deep-dwelling flora and fauna and wrecks resting below recreational diving depth. Tech diving is cool...but that's not a good reason to become a tech diver. Satisfying your craving for adventure and exploration is! PADI Tec 45 Clearly mark cylinder contents and maximum operating depth such as OXYGEN MOD 20 Photo: Fred Stratton We introduced you to decompression diving in the January 2019 Tec 40 article ....