New Year, New Adventures

Bob Bennett enjoying life below 130' on a Dive Rite O2ptima Closed Circuit Rebreather (CCR) Photo: Tara McNaylor Fred Stratton Instructor and Repair Technician Close your eyes and remember the first time you breathed underwater. A brilliant, heart-pounding experience you wished would never end. Your recreational scuba certification enabled you to venture forth into a previously impenetrable world. The word recreation derives from the Latin word recreare meaning create again or renew. I certainly feel refreshed and renewed during every dive. Do you? Lost that Loving Feeling ? Do you still feel the rush of anticipation before your dives and excitment when you descend? Perhaps you've been certified for a while and, although you still enjoy diving, you yearn for a new adventure. Do any of the following apply to you? - You've been wall diving to 130' and felt the lure of deeper dwelling flora and fauna....