St. Nick's Stocking Picks!

Merry Christmas from your friends at Bubbles or Not Diving Photo: Pixabay Fred Stratton Christmas is about faith and expressing love in the form of hugs, cards, cookies and gifts. Some people feel stress over the gift part. The good news is that the easiest people to shop for are scuba divers! Diving is equipment intensive and gear is always evolving. If your divers already have all the primary pieces (mask, fins, snorkel, BC, regulators, cylinders, computer), consider stuffing their stockings with accessories. Many items cost less than a good restaurant meal and add safety, comfort and functionality. Cylinder Keychain with O-Rings & Pick Photo: Innovative Scuba Concepts A clever addition to this longstanding favorite is a soft brass pick to extricate worn o-rings without scratching your equipment. The pick is built into the base which screws into the cylinder and seals with an o-ring. Attaching one to the zipper on your dive gear bag keep...