Your jacket, ma'am...or do you prefer wings?

Nate Davis, age 10, performing a buoyancy check. Nate is using a Dive Rite TransPac harness and Rec Wings Image: Rose Bennett Fred Stratton Instructor and Repair Technician Thank you for the questions we've received since we posted back-to-back articles on buoyancy compensators (BCs) in February and March 2018. L et's look at the myths and misconceptions that triggered the comments and questions and educate ourselves with facts. "I was told that back inflation BCs force your face forward at the surface, making them dangerous. Is this true?" This is like saying that giving children piggy back rides is dangerous because you'll fall backwards. What happens when they climb on? You adjust your body position to maintain your balance, right? Properly Inflate your BC at the Surface Scubapro XTek back inflation BC Image: Scubapro A BC is not a life preserver. Your BC helps you compensate for...