Wet or Dry Cylinder Fill? Piercing the Myths

Poseidon, Greek god of the sea Fred Stratton Instructor and Repair Technician fred@bubblesornot.com Several customers have asked us "Isn't it better to immerse cylinders in water when you fill them?" The short answer is an unequivocal no . According to Greek mythology, the god Poseidon is responsible for ocean storms. When displeased, he strikes his mighty trident against the earth, wreaking havoc on the high seas. Of course modern sciences like meterology and oceanography clearly explain tsunamis, storms, and typhoons. Science also explains quite lucidly why filling compressed gas cylinders in a water-filled bin has disadvantages, but you wouldn't know it by surveying the scuba industry and scuba divers. Myths abound about the advantages of submerging cylinders in water before filling them. This article will burst the bubble surrounding wet fill operations and explain what divers should look for in their local dive shop's fill stati...