Save your dive. Save yourself!

Fred Stratton BoN instructor and repair technician Hi fellow divers. This is the first in a series of monthly articles focused on scuba equipment maintenance, repair, and configuration. Make this a dialog by providing feedback and asking questions to be answered in future articles. We have thousands of dives among us. We become better divers by sharing our experiences, be they close calls, good tips, funny situations, or curious questions. What do you take with you on a road trip? I take navigation software, beverages, snacks, music, a spare tire, some basic tools, blanket, and jumper cables. Divers like to eat and drink, so we're pretty good about bringing coolers and food. How about spare parts and tools to perform basic field repairs? Our scuba gear is our life support system. It's surprising how many divers are tempted to dive with a leaking SPG or primary second stage regulator because they've spent time and money getting t...